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can I recommend the delcamp website to you all.  It is full of everything you could want from a cg website with scores, videos and themed discussions.  I regularly spend far to long browsing around it.  I particularly like the public space where there is a ready supply of new topics to discuss.  One of the moderators is George Crockett from Glasgow. Another is Erik from CGR.  Don't forget to register.



Dave Albiston
Dave Albiston's picture

Your Imperial Highness (hope I got the protocol correct)

I registered, and posted an introduction, a few months ago and visited the site a couple of times. One day I tried to log on and it said my user name/password were incorrect so I asked for a new password. I asked 3 times and no response. I tried emailing M. Delcamp himself (with a copy of his email to me). No response. He is the only Administrator. The moderators' email addresses are not displayed.

I am 99% sure that I was entering the correct user name and password but it seems I no longer exist.

Good site though



It transpires that Mr Delcamp had a big clear-out of low activity users without telling anyone.  If you contact George Crockett, a Moderator based in Glasgow, he will fill you in.  But you just need to re-register like the 1st time.




Dave Albiston
Dave Albiston's picture


Ah - it seems that power goes to some people's head!

Thanks for the info.



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